A Business Discussion

Why do businesses use technology? It seems like there is no other option today.

 Most businesses can’t remember a time before technology. Not exactly true, but the point is clear, to conduct business in today’s marketplace, one must have the technology to communicate with other businesses. However, the real reason, the root of technology in business is that technology CAN improve productivity. Technology offers a way for users to massively increase their productivity by multitasking, communicating, and USING information, not looking for it.

The crux of the situation is that technology must be integrated like an extra arm, seamless to the user, so that the business can utilize it naturally. Usability and reliability define appropriate technology. If technology is cumbersome or frustrating like a large clunky piece of machinery that must be dragged around and is awkward to utilize, then it is virtually useless, it is detracting from your business instead of enhancing it.

Revisit the phrase: ‘technology CAN improve productivity’

For technology to improve productivity, it must be expertly tailored to fit a business’s unique situational needs. Without careful investigation and thorough planning, the technology will be fall victim to one of two implementation problems:

  1. it will not be tailored enough to accomplish the business goals

    • this leads to lost productivity while trying to wrangle unruly, unfocused technology

    • extra problems occur because unfocused technology is prone to failure from unexpected interactions from ancillary systems

  2. it will be overly or inappropriately defined

    • Technology can be tuned incorrectly for the job at hand

    • Technology can be tuned correctly, but for the wrong job

    • either way, technology hampers productivity by being the wrong tool for the job

To win with technology the balance between cost and value expertly matched.

That’s where AhoyCo comes in: With AhoyCo the goal never changes. 

We Produce High Quality implementations of business-centric technology

There are two important facts regarding business technology:

1. Technology is a tool for performing business.

2. When tools don’t function properly, business is hampered – this must be avoided.

 Increase productivity while minimizing downtime. Let AhoyCo customize the appropriate technology to fit your unique business. To fit, a technology must be reliable, affordable, and manageable. Let your business experience the productivity of running at maximum performance. Choose AhoyCo as your Business Technology Partner, to allow your business to run smoother, cleaner, and tighter than ever before.

Whether you need help managing your existing technologies, designing new implementations from scratch, or any combination of two, AhoyCo has the experience, the know-how, and most importantly, a business-centric focus that will get your business running lean. AhoyCo is the gun for hire that will bring your technology to heel, sit, stay, or even roll over, everything you need to meet your business needs.


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